Why lose customers in the DM when you can do this

When running sales online for goods in large quantities, you can attest to the fact that your Inbox either on Facebook, IG, or Whatsapp will be filled with messages like 'I want to place an order',  'Have you confirmed my payment',  'Is this still available?',  and other related questions you can think of. 

Instead of going through the stress of answering these questions and confirming payments from customers who want to place an order quickly to get available items before they get out of stock or sold out,  why not run a website sale🤷? 

Why the stress?? 😒

There are free e-commerce sites you can list all your products and direct traffic for sales. Below are sites to use; 

- Bumpa e-commerce site for business owners (Free and Paid)

- Flutterwave (Free and Paid)

- Paystack storefront

- Seller.ng (Not free)

By using these sites to promote your business, especially during sales, your sales level, customer support level and buying process will be on the positive side. 

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