Things your brain is trying to tell you every time you have an headache

1. You are dehydrated 

Your brain needs water to function, dehydration stresses your brain cells and causes brain frictions. Sometimes be slow to take drugs when you have headaches, you may just be dealing with dehydration. Drink water first, it will help your brain function better 

2. Your stress levels are high

A generator that works nonstop, no matter how good the product is will soon breakdown. High stress levels can trigger headaches and make you cranky and agitated. High stress levels can stem from work pressure, deadlines, emotional stress, dealing with grief and loss, physical stress inclusive. 

3. There could be an underlying condition 

Sometimes it is easy for you to gulp painkillers at the slightest headache, now your body has become addicted to it and you have climbed to a higher dose. What if that headache is a sign that you have elevated blood pressure? But you are taking paracetamol or a higher painkiller, don’t you think you will be harming your body?? Before you take that paracetamol, could there be something else your body is trying to tell you? Is an organ in your body in distress? Could it be typhoid? Could it be a brain distress? Could it be that you need to see a doctor urgently? But you have finished one pack of painkillers before you even know it 

4. You are sleep deprived 

Sleep deprivation is a state of not getting enough sleep and a major sign is headache. Sleeping less than 6-7hours a day can cause serious headaches and sometimes lightheadedness. Getting good sleep is Important for brain function. That headache may just be telling you that you need to sleep or your body is in a state of sleep deprivation. Have you ever slept and woke up and your banging head just automatically disappeared?

This should tell you headaches can sometimes be from lack of sleep

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