If you start this business today, you can be financially comfortable by December.
- Look for a Herbal products that really works in real life. You don't have to produce one. You don't have experience.
- Ensure you have atleast 5k to 10k profit on each sale. (Add your own money to the price (reasonably) ).
- Create a Facebook & IG page for it.
- Learn product review Copywriting & Direct response Copywriting.
- Learn how to run ads
- Use a good sales copy and real screenshots or video as social proof (Testimonials)
- Create a Whatsapp group for Lead Generation.
People who have the problems will join the group.
- Then bombard the group with real testimonials from customers who have had results from the product.
People are interested in their health and would pay to have it restored and this is why you must research deeply to find a product that works.
- Take orders, send it to the company producing the product and make money until you're tired.
Thank me later.