Ensure that the payment method you used to add funds is valid and has sufficient funds.
Additionally, check if there are any issues or restrictions with your payment method that could be causing the problem.
Check if your ad account has any outstanding balance or pending payments that need to be resolved before you can proceed with new ads.
Ensure that your ad content complies with these guidelines and doesn't violate any of Facebook's advertising policies.
Review your ad settings, targeting options, and ad creative to make sure everything is in order.
If the issue persists, reach out to Facebook support directly. You can usually find support options within the Facebook Ads Manager or Business Manager platforms.
Explain the problem you're facing and provide them with any relevant details. They should be able to assist you in resolving the issue.
If possible, you can try using an alternative payment method to add funds to your ad account.
This can help determine if the issue lies with the specific payment method you were using initially.
Sometimes, technical issues can occur due to cache or cookie-related problems.
Clear your browser cache and cookies, or try using a different browser to access the Facebook Ads Manager.
Monitor your account for notifications. Facebook may provide specific notifications or alerts regarding your ad account or payment issues.
Keep an eye on your account notifications, emails, or messages from Facebook to identify any specific instructions or actions required from your end.
I hope this helps.