Here's this thing that most product based business owners are suffering from…

I don't want you to be like them, so listen to me. 

This is what the average product business owner does…

They would post their products on social media, expecting their village people to buy from them.

If the posting stops converting, they would start running ads…

Some sales would come in, it gives them joy, they would run the ads again, more sales would come in. 

They attend a masterclasses and learn about offer creation, the idea sounds nice.

So, they come back and implement, after creating the offer, they would run ads again..

Maybe place the offer at 5k, and push themselves to sell like 100 units of the product, some cash would roll in.

Chai, that offer creation thing worked well…

They repeat the process again, by this time they've increased the ads budget from N1000 per day to N3500 per day. 

The sales are pouring in like water, and they are feeling themselves. 

Oshe, business mogul, marketing maestro, sales jagaban….

But the issue now is, if they don't run ads, they won't make sales.

Kai, if they don't give Meta money, they won't make money.

The N3500 ad is no longer converting like before, maybe the market has become more aware of the offer or Meta is doing them a strong thing. 

But whatever the case is, it's NOT a good sign if your business cannot survive without running daily ads. 

Get this!

What sustains your business is not customers.

What sustains your business is REPEAT CUSTOMERS. 

So, how do you get repeat customers for your business;

Firstly, you see those people that are buying from you, don't let them go like that. 

They can buy from you again, stop wasting your marketing budget. 

Collect their details, either WhatsApp or email. When they give, send them a thank you message for their patronage.

Secondly; start sending them love letters. 

Something really personalized that would make them feel they are the only customer in your life. 

Make it so sweet that they would long to receive more from you…

Thirdly; Be intentional about growing these people into thousands.

If you can have like 10k people in your list, either a WhatsApp, Email, or Telegram List…

These people can feed your business for life, if only you nurture them well.

Fourthly; Create new offers and give them a discount or bonus when they come back.

If you have 500 people that bought from you last month, this month 50 out of those 500 can still buy again if you nurture them well.

You need money to acquire a customer, but you need wisdom to retain them. 

Do not be at the mercy of Meta for your business to thrive, with common sense marketing you can blossom without running daily ads for sales.

Remember, the secret to sustained business growth is not customers, the secret is REPEATED CUSTOMERS.

You can also implement this for your service based business

Thank You.

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