Dear Online customer,
I understand you have this fear of buying products from an online vendor for the first time.
I want to help you with unmasking a fake vendor that will, block you after payment.
Kindly see the features of a fake online vendor.
1. Profile picture.
2. Their wall. Before you buy from an online vendor, check the activities on their wall.
Check their activities of at least 1 year ago, 6 months ago, 3 months ago, and a month ago.
Click on the comment section, and read through some comment sections.
Any vendor who is serious about business you will see the person's consistency and the products fully marketed on the wall.
3. Avoid vendors that have 100 tags/shares of different people's stories and events, with just 2 adverts of their products.
4. Avoid vendors with pet names or nicknames.
5. Avoid vendors that post pictures of money for giveaway.
6. Avoid vendors who have Missworld as a name on Facebook and Chioma as a bank account name.
The name should tally, with the account details except if the person owns a business page and business account. In all let whatever name tally.
After following this process and you are convinced, kindly place your order.
If you are not convinced please don't waste your time and the vendor's time, in trying to know if the vendor is genuine during your chat.
We have a lot of genuine vendors that will not run with your money, just follow the listed steps🥰